
作者:云顶国际 时间:2010-10-14




  姚定俊,男,1981年生, 安徽六安籍, 博士研究生学历, 云顶国际教授,副经理,江苏社科优青,江苏省教学名师,江苏省“333工程中青年学术带头人,中国现场统计研究会风险管理与精算分会常务理事。研究兴趣包括保险精算、金融风险管理、绿色金融创新等,在《中国科学》《ASTIN Bulletin》《Journal of Innovation & Knowledge》《European Journal of Operational Research》《International Review of Financial Analysis》等期刊发表论文50余篇,主持完成国家自然科学基金2项。


E-mailyaodingjun@sina.cn  yaodj@nufe.edu.cn


















1. 主持省部级教改课题2

2. 主持精品课程、虚拟仿真课程等3

3. 完成全国保险专业学位研究生教指委优秀案例1

4. 完成全国金融专业学位研究生教指委优秀案例1

5. 完成江苏省研究生优质教学资源库优秀教学案例1

6. 指导大创项目国家级立项11项,其中1项入选教育部优秀成果展

7. 指导省优硕士学位论文1篇;省优本科毕业论文一等奖1篇,三等奖3篇,团队优秀奖1


1. Yao, D., Wang, R., 2008. Exponential bounds for ruin probability in two moving average risk models with constant interest rate. Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series

2. Yao, D., Yang, H., Wang, R., 2010. Optimal financing and dividend strategies in a dual model with proportional costs. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization

3. Yao, D., Wang, R., 2010. Upper bounds for ruin probabilities in two dependent risk models. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry

4. Yao, D., Yang, H., Wang, R., 2011. Optimal dividend and capital injection problem in the dual model with proportional and fixed transaction costs. European Journal of Operational Research

5. Yao, D., Wang, R., Xu, L., 2014. Optimal dividend and capital injection strategy with fixed costs and restricted dividend rate for a dual model. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization

6. Yao, D., Yang, H., Wang, R., 2014. Optimal risk and dividend control problem with fixed costs and salvage value: Variance premium principle. Economic Modelling

7. 姚定俊,汪荣明,徐林, 2014. 方差保费准则下最优分红、注资和再保险策略. 中国科学

8. Yao, D., Wang, R., Xu, L., 2015. Optimal asset control of a geometric Brownian motion with the transaction costs and bankruptcy permission. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization

9. Yao, D., Yang, H., Wang, R., 2016. Optimal dividend and reinsurance strategies with financing and liquidation value. ASTIN Bulletin

10. Yao, D., Wang, R., Xu, L., 2017. Optimal impulse control for dividend and capital injection with proportional reinsurance and exponential premium principle. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods

11. 姚定俊,汪荣明,徐林, 2017. 破产终端值影响下保险公司最优分红、注资和溢额再保险策略.中国科学

12. Yao, D., Fan, K., 2018. Optimal risk control and dividend strategies in the presence of two reinsurers: Variance premium principle. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization

13. Xu, L., Xu, S., Yao, D*., 2020. Maximizing expected terminal utility of an insurer with high gain tax by investment and reinsurance. Computers and Mathematics with Applications

14. Xu, L., Yao, D*., et al., 2020. Optimal investment and dividend for an insurer under a Markov regime switching market with high gain tax. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization

15. 姚定俊,张路,程恭品,2022. “保险+期货的套期保值比率和绩效评估研究以黄玉米为例. 金融理论与实践

16. 姚定俊, 罗亮, 2022. 多重风险交织下企业债信用利差影响因素研究. 金融理论与实践

17. 姚定俊,顾越,陈威,2023. 基于RF-LSMA-SVM模型的中小微企业信用风险评价研究. 工业技术经济

18. 姚定俊,胡进展,谢逸菲,2023. 数字金融会影响环境敏感型企业创新投入吗?基于企业生命周期的视角. 金融理论与实践

19. 姚定俊,廖怡琳,黄倩倩,2023. 非上市科技中小企业融资效率提升研究. 会计之友

20. Yao, D., et al., 2023. Optimal dividend and risk control strategies for an insurer with two groups of reinsurers. Stochastics

21. Cheng, X., Yao, D*., et al., 2023. How does fintech influence carbon emissions: Evidence from China’s prefecture-level cities. International Review of Financial Analysis

22. Xu, R., Yao, D*., Zhou, M., 2023. Does the development of digital inclusive finance improve the enthusiasm and quality of corporate green technology innovation? Journal of Innovation & Knowledge


1. 国家自然科学基金:随机风险模型中最优分红-注资策略及相关问题 (2012-2014), 批准号:11101205

2. 国家自然科学基金:时间不一致性偏好下保险公司最优分红、融资和再保险策略(2017-2020年),批准号:71671082

3. 教育部人文社会科学研究项目:马尔科夫调节风险模型下分红及相关策略优化 (2016-2018),批准号:15YJC910008



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